Yeah this is a long post. Unfortunately this isn’t an easy process to describe but it’s important enough to dedicate some time to and learn and understand how to do it properly. It will absolutely improve your experience bottoming. So here goes…
I’ve seen a lot of posts and videos on the web about cleaning out. Various techniques and tools. My experience over the years with all sorts of different types of guys, with different body types, different diets and in different types of play tells me that there’s no one right way to clean out. Everyone is different is many other ways, this is no exception. But if you know a few simple things about the body and how it works it can help you understand better what’s right for you to get the best results.
If you’ve been using a fleet enema or a bulb to clean out. It’s probably time to switch it up and go with a more advanced tool. While the fleet bottle and bulbs can work for getting fucked by some dicks. To take larger sized dicks and be sure you’re not going to make a mess, you need a shower douche.
The bulbs and fleet enema bottles barely clean out the anus. The anus is barely large enough for an average sized dick. So if you make it a habit of taking dicks larger than 5”, you owe it to yourself and your partner to upgrade. And don’t mistake this for a post shaming dirty bottoms. It’s about comfort for both you and your partner because being dirty can abrate your hole and your partner’s dick. Ouch! That’ll put a quick end to any fun.
I really recommend reading up on how your digestive system works, mainly on the large intestine and the rectum.
If you use the “shower shot” option be VERY careful. This is not for amateurs. You may decide later on that it’s better for you, but I don’t recommend it to start. Using the X-Play douche first will help you understand how to douche safely and without causing pain or cramping. Most people really are not in touch with their bodies (yes I’m talking to you 😉 ). The X-Play will help assist with that journey. And in the process you’ll have fewer accidents caused by too much water, cramping, pain, etc.
The best recommendation I’ve heard is to start on the toilet with a bidet and then progress to the shower douche. You can get the bulk of the cleaning done in a relaxed position on the toilet and then do the deeper cleaning in the shower. Bonus points if you have a squatty potty at your toilet.
On the toilet you’ll likely clean out the rectum mostly and then maybe some of the sigmoid colon as well. Keep in mind that when you clean out the rectum and/or the sigmoid colon that more material may come down from further up. That’s normal for most people in my experience. Also keep in mind that putting too much water up there can cause cramping. So take it easy the first few times and experiment. Definitely try experimenting several times before you go to have anal sex. Relax your body. Some people play relaxing music. For most people keeping your torso upright and squatting in the shower while using the cleaning tool of your choose is the best option. As you experiment and learn you’ll figure out what’s best for you. It’s very important for you to be comfortable and relaxed otherwise you’ll trap water up there and then that’ll cause a mess.
Every body is different so you’ll need to experiment with it. This is generally not something you learn overnight.
This is by far the best cleaning out tool I’ve found. It’s perfect for beginners to advanced . The pressure at the nozzle is always just right to avoid irritation and cramping. It’s easy to take with you when you travel. No tools are needed to install it. It’s made of silicone which’s makes it durable and long lasting.
Fiber is also another key to cleaning out. Some of you are about to say, “But I get a lot of fiber in my diet and I eat healthy.” Yeah that may be true, as is true for me. But the types of fiber you get and when you take the fiber all matters too. If you’re living in the United States it’s highly likely you don’t get enough of the right kinds of fiber. The food in the US, even some seemingly “healthy” foods have preservatives and other ingredients that can be irritants to your digestive tract. A good fiber supplement that I know works well is Pure for Men.
Fiber helps to bind together things traveling through your digestive tract which makes it much easier cleaning. It also prevents those things from moving quickly down your digestive tract when you’re bottoming.
Please don’t starve yourself for days prior. Some people will do intermittent fasting prior but not eating at all is not the right solution. You can absolutely eat if you following the tips above and some other simple rules.
Too much of a good thing is not a good thing. Eating more than a daily recommended serving of most fruits and vegetables will irritate your digestive track. The best reference for how much of each is a good maximum daily intake is the FODMAP Diet or iOS App or Android App.
It takes about 2-5 days, and for some people less depending on the person, for food to move through your digestive track. This is why you should avoid any drinks and foods, for the two to five days prior, that are irritants for your system. You know best which foods these are but here are some examples:
- Milk products of any kind
- Fast Food
- High sodium foods
- Processed foods of any kind
- Candy, baked goods, sweets, any foods high in sugar
- Artificial sweeteners not from plants; eg. aspartame, saccharin, sucralose etc
- No curry or spicy foods
- No fatty foods
- No quinoa
- Foods with whole seeds (they don’t digest fully)
Some examples of foods that people will eat, in sensible portions, before bottoming. A sensible portion is about the size of your fist. Use that as a guide for the size of your meal several hours before bottoming:
- Non dairy meal substitutes/protein shakes with low sugar or natural sugar substitutes
- You can make a plant protein smoothies at home. You can find many pre-made protein drinks at Whole Foods, Sprouts or many other natural/health food markets.
- Natural sugar substitutes; stevia, allulose, etc. I’ve found allulose to be the best as it has zero after taste.
- white rice
- plain chicken (no butter, oil etc)
Don’t forget to subscribe to updates on the site so you’ll get updates to this post. I’ll update the list of safe foods for bottoming and other parts of the post over time.
I’d categorize the rest of this as “nice to have”
- When using a soap to clean up your body afterwards, use one that has a mild smell or no smell at all. A lot of people are allergic or turned off by strong perfume scents. A lot fewer guys are turned on my strong perfume scents and if they are they’ll likely tell you and ask you to wear a specific scent. Put this in the category better safe than sorry.